اخبار الاول في الانجليزية

اختبار الاول

Level: 3 MS

Timing: 1h.30’
First term English exam
My name is Jenny Clift. I’m an English student at Victoria Middle School; where I’ve been studying for three years. I’m quite tall with blue eyes and dark brown hair. I hope being a pilot one day because I like traveling by plane. I like watching TV, too especially @@@@@@@@aries which present the wild life of animals. I’m quiet and calm but not shy. My room is small and often in disorder because I never care where I put my jeans and T-shirts.

Section I: Reading Comprehension
1- What does the underlined word in the @@@@ refer to? ( 1 pt )
2- Read the @@@@ carefully then answer the questions. ( 2 pts )
a- What does Jenny look like?
b- What does she like doing?
3- Read the following statements and write *True*, *False*. ( 2 pts )
a- Jenny Clift is a third middle school year student.
b- She is a messy girl.
4- Lexis:
a- Find in the @@@@ a word that has the following definition: ( 1 pt )
– A person who operates the flying controls of a plane
b- Find in the @@@@ words that are opposite in meaning to the following: ( 1 pt )
noisy ≠ ……… hate ≠ ……….

Section II: Mastery of ********
1. Classify these adjectives in the table: ( 2 pts )
" quiet – shy – tall – messy "

Physical appearance Personality

2. Combine the following statements into a new one using a relative pronoun ( 3 pts )
a- Jenny is a girl.
She likes traveling by planes.
b- She likes meeting people.
People are quiet and calm but not shy.
c- She doesn’t like watching films.
The films show violence.

3- Find in the @@@@ four words that have the following vowel sounds: ( 2 pts )

/ و / / ʌ / / ɔː/ / ɑː/

Section III: Written Expression
 You are meeting your classmates for the first time. ( 6 pts )
Use the following details to introduce yourself in 6 – 8 lines:
• Your name / age.
• Physical appearances / personality.
• Likes and dislikes.
( NB: Use the coordinators “and & but” and a relative pronoun)

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