slang Expressions

slang Expressions

زى ما قولت فى العنوان مصطلحات بالعامية حلوة اوى

1- idiot box

slang Expressions

Definition : A television

Example : I wasted my whole night in front of the idiot box

Etymology : An "idiot" is a stupid person, and most televisions
look like square "boxes" (containers). This phrase
suggests that if you spend too much time looking at
the "box"( television ) you’ll become an idiot

Synonyms : boob tube

2- see ya

slang Expressions

Definition : A way of saying "good-bye"

Example : Matt yelled "see ya" as he left the house.

Etymology :"see ya" is an informal way to say "see you later"

Synonyms: Later

3- have eyes for

slang Expressions

Definition : To desire; to find some one physically attractive

Example : I think my boyfriend has eyes for another woman

Etymology : You see with your "eyes" and when you "have
eyes for" somebody you really like what you see

4- bad egg

slang Expressions

Definition : A troublemaker; someone who has a bad
attitude and cuses trouble
Example : Emily is areal bad egg she’s always starting
fights and causing trouble.
Etymology : In this phrase "egg" mean "person" or
"individual".This is probably because the
human head looks alot like an egg. "a bad
egg" is a simply abad person

5- an arm and aleg

slang Expressions

Definition : A large amount of money,Very expensive or

Example : My new Mercedes cost me an arm and a leg!

Etymology : Some things are so expensive that they are
painful to buy and cost every thing you have.

6- rug rat
slang Expressions

Definition : A young child ; a toddler

Example : I’ve got three rug rats at home, ages 2,3,and 5.

Etymology : Small children spend alot of time on the ‘rug’
or carpet ,and some times they crawl around
like rodents ( rats ).

7- quick buck

slang Expressions

Definition : Fast and easy profit ; money made in a short
period of time.

Example : He doesn’t care about you all he wants is to
make aquick buck.

Etymology : "Quick" mean fast ,and buck is a slang for
dollar bill.

Synonyms : Easy money

sis;try to try

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