تعلم الأنجليزية من الصفر الى الأحتراف فى شهر

تعليم اللغة الأنجليزية للمبتدئين

شرح فى غاية اليسر يجعلك تجيد اكثر من 80% من اللغة فى أسبوعين

الدروس مشروحة بالصوت والصورة ومترجمة الى العربية

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تعلم الأنجليزية الصفر الأحتراف

لدخول الكورس والدروس أضغط هنــــا

مع تمنياتى بالتوفيق للجميع

سبحان الله و بحمده

تعلموا وقيموا نفسكم فى اللغات

تعلموا وقيموا نفسكم فى اللغات

السلام عليكم
لككل سنه وانتم طيبين لكم منى ارق واعزب التحيات

اليكم موضوعى المنقول ده يارب يعجبكم

اللغات ده اساسى فى شغل واى عمل وخصوصا الانجليزيه
واليكم التلى

لتعلم الانجليزى العام يعنى المواقف اليوميه والتعبيرات والتفاعل مع الناس

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ولو عايزين تتعلموا انجليزيه حسب تخصص عملكم
يعنى مثلا التعبيرات والمصطلحات والمواقف فى اللى هتحاجها الاطباء او الفيزيائين او المهندسين او المحاسبين والعديد طبعا
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ولايجاد النطق الصحيح للانجليزيه

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واخيرا قيموا نفسكم هنا فى الاختبارات
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للافادة قد تخطيت جميع الامتحانات وانا موجوده فى المدونة او الياهو لاى استفسار او طلب

ومنتظره رئيكم

سبحان الله و بحمده

Electronic messaging

Electronic messaging

Today I have a new topic .It talks about
the abbreviation in using numbers or letters
instead of words .we can’t use these abbreviation
in writing an essay or
anything which is formal. It is widely used for
@@@@ message or chat rooms (MSN).These are some
examples of how words might be shown in a message:

2day = today

2MORO= tomorrow

2NIte = tonight

ASAP = As soon as possible

ATB = all the best

B4 = Before

B4N = Bye for now

BBL = Be back later

BTW = by the way

CUL8R = see you later

F2F =Face to face

FYI = for your information

GR8 = Great

Hand = have a nice day

ILU = I love you

KIT= keep in touch

LoL= lots of luck or lots of love

MSG = Message


PCM =please call me

PLS= please

Som1 = someone

THX= Thanks

YR = Your

XLINT = excellent

I hope U like the topic

سبحان الله و بحمده

power of silence

Silence is much more than the absence of sound.

It is the source to which all words return to attain true meaning.

Silence has also the power to help us realise how unrealistic our sense of self-importance is.

Words are often inadequate to express what we want to say.

It is silence that puts an end to our self-delusion, to our belief that we could drown the voices of dissent by our logic and explanations
Most of all, silence opens the door to forgiveness.

Spoken words determine relationships for good or for ill, for love or for hate.

But words once spoken sink into the oblivion from which they came.

This ‘forgetting’ opens the door to forgiveness.

Ironical as it may seem, silence is the foundation of all interpersonal communication.

When we communicate with each other, we are often unaware that silence sits in at every conversation.

Silence is the third speaker in a conversation.

That is why the listener receives more that just the words that the speaker has given.

The more we are aware of this, the more we will speak from this silence.

Silence is not the same as not talking.

Rather, it is a deep presence within a person,

a presence that shapes not only every word but also every movement and every gesture.

Such an abiding presence guides a person to a life that is beyond the word and ultimately beyond himself.

Truly the journey into silence through meditation is one that fosters non-violence and helps build community togetherness.

power silence power silence

سبحان الله و بحمده