ماهو الفرق بينinjure/wound/hurt/harm/damage

hurt – verb

آذى – جرح – آلم – أوجع – أضر
If part of your body hurts, you feel pain there. If you hurt someone, you cause them to feel pain. Note that verbs that refer to physical feelings (hurt, ache, etc) can often be used in simple or progressive tenses with no difference in meaning:

Have you been knocked over? Tell me where it hurts / it’s hurting. ~ My arm hurts.
You’re hurting my arm. Ouch! Don’t touch me. That hurts!
You can also hurt someone’s feelings, and cause them to feel emotional pain:

I think she’s going to be hurt. I don’t think she’ll ever fall in love again.
What hurt me most was the betrayal. How could he behave like that?

hurt – noun/adjective

The hurt that she felt was deep and would only be softened with the passing of time.
They were suffering from shock but did not seem to be otherwise hurt.


injure – verb

أضر – آذى – أفسد – أساء – اصاب – جرح
In the sentence describing people suffering from shock above, hurt could be replaced by injured. If you injure somebody, you cause physical damage to part of their body usually the result of an accident or through fighting:

A number of bombs have exploded, seriously injuring scores of people.
The demonstrators injured a number of innocent people when they started throwing stones.

injured / injury (nouns) / injured (adj)

The injured were taken to hospital by air-ambulance.
Their injuries were thought to be serious.
He was not seriously injured, though his coach took him off at half-time as a precaution.
Two minutes of injury time were played at the end of the fist half.


wound – verb

جرح – جريح – جرحى
If you wound somebody, you inflict physical damage on part of their body, especially a cut or a hole in their flesh caused by a gun, a knife or some other weapon, often in battle.

There was no escape. They were mortally wounded by the enemy fire.
The driver of the Red-Cross ambulance was wounded by the shrapnel.
In English, it is often a matter of knowing which adjectives collocate with which nouns and which adverbs go with which verbs. In this particular word family, the adverb-verb col@@@@@@@@s are normally as follows: badly hurt / seriously injured / mortally wounded. You will also have noticed that with these verbs the passive voice is often used.

wound (noun) / wounded (adj

The open wound really needed stitches and took a long time to heal.
The four wounded men were taken to the field hospital in the back of the Jeep.
We also have the expressions: to rub salt into the wound, i.e. to make an unpleasant situation even worse and to lick one’s wounds, i.e. to slowly recover after being defeated or made to feel ashamed or unhappy:

I didn’t want to rub salt into the wound so decided not to mention Bob’s infidelity.
The British team could only retire and lick their wounds after such a comprehensive defeat on Spanish soil.

damage – verb

اضر – اعطب – اصاب بأذى
It is things that are damaged, not people. Damage is the physical harm that is caused to an object. More abstract qualities, such as reputations and the economy can also be damaged. Compare the following:

The car was so badly damaged in the accident that it was barely worth repairing.
When he got home, he discovered that the vase he had bought had been damaged.
If he continues drinking like that, his reputation as a defence lawyer will be damaged.
High inflation was damaging the country’s economy.

damage (noun) / damaged (adj

However, we can also speak of someone being brain-damaged (not brain-injured) or suffering brain damage. But this is an exception. Normally damage relates to inanimate objects:

Professional boxers sometimes suffer irreversible brain damage.
It was a huge bomb and the damage caused to the shopping precinct was quite extensive.
We also have the informal expression: What’s the damage? meaning ‘What is the damage to my purse or my pocket?’ in other words: What do I owe you in payment for this service or these goods?:

Thanks very much for the work you have done on those curtains. What’s the damage?


harm – verb

آذى – اصاب بسوء – أضر ب

People OR things can be harmed or physically damaged:

The bank robbers were anxious not to harm anyone.
Without doubt,the burning of fossil fuels harms the environment in which we live
harm (noun)
We have a number of expressions with the noun harm which are confusingly similar: will come to no harm, it will do no harm to…, there’s no harm in…, no harm done:

Will my dog be all right with you? ~ He’ll be fine. He’ll come to no harm in my garden.
It will do / can do no harm to remind him to take the medication before he goes to bed.
She might not agree, but there’s no harm in asking her to postpone the meeting.
I’m sorry to crash into you like that! Are you all right? ~ I’m fine. No harm done!

harmful / harmless (adjs)

Harmful and harmless describe something that has or does not have a bad effect on something else:

He looks quite ferocious and barks quite loudly, but he’s
quite harmless.
The harmful effects of smoking on people’s health is


سبحان الله و بحمده

ترجمة سورة الإخلاص الى الإنجليزية

بسم الله الرحمنالرحيم
In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the

Most Merciful.

قل هو الله احد (1) اللهالصمد (2) لم يلد ولم يولد(3) ولم يكن له كفوا احد(4)
Say (O Muhammad (Peace be upon him)): "He
is Allâh, (the) One. (1)

"Allâh-us-Samad (The Self-Sufficient Master,
Whom all creatures need,
He neither eats nor drinks). (2)

"He begets not, nor was He begotten. (3)

"And there is none co-equal or comparable unto

سبحان الله و بحمده

كلمات تستعمل في احاديثنا اليومية (متجدد)

موضوع اليوم عبارة عن كلمات نستعملها كل يوم. و هو موضوع خاص للمبتدئين لأن هذه الكلمات التي ستكون في الموضوع هي كلمات على كل دارسي اللغة ان يكون على علم بمعظمها.

الموضوع سيكون متجدد و سأحاول ان أضع مجموعة من الكلمات كل ما سمحت لي الفرصة

المجموعة الاولى


We grew a tomato plant in the garden
People like to have plants in their houses



I saw fields fields full of beautiful wild flowers
She bent down and picked a flower
The first night we met he gave me a bunch of flowers


A large bouquet of roses arrived on her desk
I like to get a red rose on my birthday

وَرَقَة الشَّجَر

Many trees lose their leaves in autumn
I passed by a flowering bush with large shiny leaves
He was sweeping up leaves in his garden


He cut some branches off the oak tree
Watch out for overhanging branches
The fruit on the lower branches was protected from the sun
After the storm, the ground was littered with twigs and branches


The trunk of this tree is five metres thick
He left his bicycle leaning against a tree trunk


Trees often have deep roots
Carrots and turnips are edible roots
These plants produce a number of thin roots

ثَمَر/ فاكهة

The fruit of the vine is the grape
Try to eat plenty of fresh fruit
Apricots are the one fruit I don’t like
Oranges, apples, pears and bananas are all types of fruit


We grow potatoes, beans and other vegetables
Vitamin A is found in liver and green vegetables
The potato is the most popular vegetable in Britain
In the winter we tend to eat more root vegetables, such as carrots and parsnips
Raw vegetables contain more potassium than @@@@ed ones

المجموعة الثانية
ادوات في المطبخ


A smell of burning was coming from the kitchen
We usually eat breakfast in the kitchen
Sam went into the kitchen to make a pot of tea
She is in the kitchen making a meal


Mathew picked up the cup and sipped his coffee
She put her cup and saucer down on the table
The handle of the cup was missing


كأس زُجاجي

There are six glasses on the tray
She poured a glass of juice
She poured some milk into a glass


But when the Man raised his spoon to his mouth he began blowing upon it


We usually eat with a knife, fork and spoon
Put the knives and forks on the table


He carved the meat with a large knife
I prefer to use a knife and fork.
He drew/pulled a knife and stabbed her
Some young people are carrying knives to defend themselves
Use a sharp knife to cut the melon into sections


There’s still lots of food on your plate
The plates were piled high with rice
He’s eaten a whole plate of french fries


He bought a lemonade bottle
The child drank water from the bottle


She brought in the tea on a tray
The waiter brought drinks on a tray
She was carrying a tray of drinks


Housewives usually use blender when they @@@@
My sister used the blender when she made cake

صَحْن الفنجان

Could you bring me another cup and saucer
She gave the cat a saucer of milk


Fill a large pot with salted water and bring it to the boil
There’s plenty of cupboard space in the kitchen for all your pots and pans
There was a big pot of soup on the stove
I’ll make a pot of coffee

Tea Pot
إبْريق الشاي

The waiter brought her a tea pot

قِدْر، وِعاء طَبيخ

Heat the milk in a small pan
This dishwasher even washes pots and pans
@@@@ the pasta in a large pan of boiling water

سبحان الله و بحمده

آنـوآع الفـوآصل والعـلآمـآت في اللغه الإنجليزيه..

أنواع الفواصل والعلامات عند الكتابه في اللغة الأنجليزيه

يجب وضع العلامات في المكان الصحيح عند الكتابة و ذلك للتحكم بطول و
معنى الجملة و هي أساسية في الكتابة لتمكن القارئ من فهم ما تحاول قوله.
وفي ما يلي أنواع العلامات و استعمالها
ull stops – [.] النقطة
النقطة تأتي في نهاية الجمل التعبيرية و لا يترك فراغ قبل النقطة

For example:مثلاً:
My name is Dana. I am a teacher.i
إسمي دانــــة . أنا مدرسة.

Question marks – [?] إشارة الإستفهام
إشارة الإستفهام تأتي في نهاية جمل الإستفهام ( الأسئلة) و مثل النقطة لا يترك قبلها فراغ

For example:مثال:
Is my name Dana ? Of course it is.i
هل إسمي دانــــة ؟ بالطبع .

Exclamation marks – [!] إشارة التعجب
تعمل إشارة التعجب عمل النقطة و تستخدم عادة لإظهار الصدمة و الدهشة
و الرعب و السعادة
و لا نترك فراغ قبلها أيضا.

For example:مثلا:
Oh! Ah! Wow! Brilliant! etc…i
أوه! آه! واو! رائع! الخ

Comma – [,] الفاصلة
تشير الفاصله الى توقفات موجزة في الجمل المعقدة و لفصل مفردات قائمة طويلة

و هي تنفع في تقسيم الجمل لتظهر التوقف الطبيعي فيها و لا نضع قبلها فراغ

For example:مثال
There were a lot of people in the room, teachers, students and parents. The teachers were sitting, the students were listening and the parents were just worrying. i
كان هناك العديد من الناس في الغرفة,مدرسون,طلاب و أولياء. المدرسون كانوا جالسين,الطلاب كانوا يسمعون و الأولياء كانوا يسألون فقط.

!Note – we don’t usually put a comma before the word and.
ملاحظة: لا نضع فاصلة قبل كلمة and كما في الجملة السابقة.

Colons – [:] النقطتان
تسبق النقطتان قائمة أو توضيح أو مثال و لا نترك فراغ قبلها

For example: مثال:
There are two main shopping areas in Nottingha Broadmarsh Centre and Victoria Centre." i
هناك منطقتين تسوق رئيسيتين في نوتنغهام:مركز برودمارش و مركز فكتوريا.

Semicolons – [;] فاصلة منقوطة

Semicolons are used to separate two sentences that would otherwise be joined with a word . You do not put a space before a semicolon, but you do need a space after one.

تستخدم الفاصلة المنقوطة لفصل جملتين كان من الممكن ربطهما ب such as ‘and’, ‘because’, ‘since’, ‘unless’ or ‘while’

For example:مثلا:
"I’m looking forward to our next lesson; I’m sure it will be a lot of fun."
أتشوق لدرسنا التالي;أنا متأكد أنه سيكون تسلية كبيرة.

Speech marks – [" "] علامتي اللإقتباس
نستخدم علامتي الإقتباس لإحاطة الكلام الذي قيل من قبل شخص ما لنضعه في تعابيرنا
و لا حاجة لترك فراغ قبلها

For example:مثلا:
"Could everyone sit down please," said the teacher
أيمكن ان يجلس الجميع من فضلكم" قال المدرس" نضع نضع علامتي الإقتباس حول العبارة
التي تشير الى القائل.

For example:مثال آخر
Jamie said, "I love you."

أحيانا نقسم الجملة الى قسمين بينهما عبارة تدل على القائل و في هذه الحال

نقتبس العبارة التي تشير الى القائل و الجزء الثاني من الجملة المنقسمة.

For example:مثال
"I wonder," she said quietly, "whether people will ever truly understand each other."
أتساءل,"هي قالت بهدوء," "فيما إذا الناس سيفهمون بعضهم البعض".
However if you need a question mark or exclamation mark the markers that punctuate the quoted words are enclosed by the speech marks.
إذا كان الكلام الذي نقتبسه سؤال توضع إشارة الإستفهام داخل علامة الإقتباس

For example: أمثلة
"I don’t understand," replied Nathan.
Nathan replied, "I don’t understand."

"Do you understand?" asked Nathan.
Nathan asked, "Do you understand?"

"I don’t understand!" shouted Nathan.
Nathan shouted, "I don’t understand!"

Apostrophes – [‘] الفاصلة العليا
الفاصلة العليا مع الحرف S’ تشير الى التملك

For example: مثلا:
Dana’s ………………………… site.
موقع دانــــة .

تستخدم أيضا للدلالة على الحرف المفقود في الكلمات المختصرة و لا نترك فراغ قبل او بعد الفاصلة العليا

For example:مثلا:
It’s a nice day today, isn’t it?
انه يوم جميل اليوم, اليس كذلك؟

تستخدم أيضا الفاصلة العليا لتحديد عبارات موجزة تؤخذ من التاريخ

A brief note from history

سبحان الله و بحمده