American slang المشاركة الاولى وللقلب ملاذ


1- slang : Ace
Definition : Very good
Example : He’s an ace reporter who always gets a good story

2- slang : Airhead
Definition : a stupid person
Example : My sister’s boyfriend is an airhead

3- slang : All wet
Definition : completely wrong
Example : Your ideas about politics are all wet

4- slang : awesome
Definition : great
Example : What an awesome sunset today

5- slang : barf
Definition : vomit
Example : He had to barf because he drank too much alcohol

6- slang : big mouth
Definition : talk to much
Example : Shut up! You really have a big mouth

7- slang : boo boo
Definition : mistake
Example : If you make another boo boo like that, you won’t have a job

8- slang : bust
Definition : failure
Example : The whole idea was a bust

9- slang : chicken
Definition : coward
Example : He is really a chicken

10- slang : cool
Definition : good
Example : This is a really cool place to work

11- slang : cram
Definition : study hard
Example : I need more time to cram for the test

12- slang : cushy
Definition : easy
Example : He has a really cushy job

13- slang : dicey
Definition : risky
Example : Investing in the stock market can be dicey

14- slang : dirt or dirt bag
Definition : awful person
Example : Her ex-boyfriend was dirt
Her ex-boyfriend was a dirt bag

15- slang : dorky
Definition : strangely
Example : You cannot get a girlfriend if you act dorky

16- slang : flashbake
Definition : memory
Example : At the wedding he had a flashback of his old girlfriend

17- slang : grand
Definition : thousand dollars
Example : His salary is thirty grand

18- slang : zero
Definition : unimportant person
Example : That guy is a zero

19- slang : kickback
Definition : money paid illegally for favorable treatment
Example : The company received a kickback from the politician during the recent elections

20- slang : spuds
Definition : potatoes
Example : Do you want rice or spuds for dinner?


i hope that’s a useful subject to every one

سبحان الله و بحمده

I will love you

will love

as long as I can dream,

as long as I can think,

as long as I have a memory ….

I will love you.

as long as I have eyes to see

and ears to hear

and lips to speak…

I will love you.

as long as I have a heart to feel,

a soul stirring within me,

an imagination to hold you…

I will love you.

as long as there is time,

as long as there is love,

as long as there is you,

and as long as I have a breath

to speak your name…

I will love you.

because I love you more than anything

in all the world.

with my love

will love

طالما أستطيع الحلم ،

طالما أستطيع أن أفكر ،

طالما لدي


سوف أحبك.

طالما لدي عينيه لترى

وآذان تسمع

والشفاه أن أتكلم…

سوف أحبك.

طالما أنا من كان له قلب يشعر ،

روح اثارة داخل لي ،

خيال لعقد لكم…

سوف أحبك.

ما دام هناك وقت ،

طالما هناك حب ،

طالما كنت هناك ،

وطالما لدي نفس الكلام اسمك…

سوف أحبك.

لأني أحبك أكثر من أي شيء في كل العالم.

مع حبي

will love

لكم مني كل الحب


سبحان الله و بحمده

??What will be ur choice

If u have three guest and u have to choose just one to enter ur house wt will ur choice be
The guests are ??What will choice??What will choice??What will choice??What will choice??What will choice

3 Successes

i hope all pple here share me with their choice

coz i will give a story about this topic

so choose & dont forget to come back again

to see wts th best choice?????

TrY To TrY

سبحان الله و بحمده

معاني ايام الاسبوع..اتمنى ماتنصدمون

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

اكيد اكثرنا يردد ايام الاسبوع باللغة الانجليزيه

ولا يجي في باله ان لها معاني غريبه

وخارجة احيانا عن حدود العقل !!

Most of Us know the weekdays , but unfortunately
don’t know their meanings either in Arabic or English…

Here They are:

معاني أيام الإسبوع باللغة الإنجليزية والعربية ,‘,‘


Saturday = day of Saturn = يوم زحل


Sunday = day of the sun = يوم الشمس


Monday = day of the moon= يوم القمر


Tuesday = The god of war day = يوم إله الحرب


Wednesday = the king of the gods .= يوم ملك الآلهه


Thursday = the god of sky day = يوم إله السماء


Friday = day of Frigg = يوم إله الحب


كنتم تتوقعون معناها؟؟؟

سبحان الله و بحمده

Express your feelings !!


~*¤ô§ô¤*~Express your feelings ~*¤ô§ô¤*~

هذهـ مجموعة مصطلحآت للتعبير عــن المشآعـــر باللغــهـ الانجــليزيهـ ….

{ A }

angry ……… غاضب

annoyed ……… متضايق ( منزعج )

appalled ……… مصدوم

apprehensive…….. منزعج من شيئ قد يحدث مستقبلاً (متردد)

ashamed……… خجلان..

{ B }

bewildered …….. محتــار..

betrayed ……… خائن للثقة

{ C }

confused……… ملخبط ( مشوش)

confident ……. واثق ..

cheated ……… مخدوع

{ D }

depressed …….. محبط ( مكتئب )

delighted …….. مسرور

disappointed……..خائب الأمل..

{ E }

excited………. منفعل ( متحمس)

emotional ……. عآطفي

envious ………. حسود

embarrassed ……. خجلان ( محرج)

{ F }

furious …….. في غاية الغضب ( عنيف )

frightened…….. خائف

{ G }

great ….. عظيم

{ H }

happy ……. سعيد

horrified …….مذعور

{ I }

irritated = annoyed……. منزعج ( متعب )

intrigued ………. متحمس لمعرفة شيئ جديد

{ J }

jealous ………. غيور

jaded ……….. يشعر بالملل ( متعب )

{ K }

keen…….. متحمس

{ L }

lazy ……. كسول

lucky……. محظوظ

{ N }

nonplussed …….. مرتبكـ ( مشوش)

negative …… ( سلبي ) ..غير مهتم

{ P }

positive ……. ايجابي… متأكد..

pensive ……..متــأمل..

{ R }

relaxed……… مرتآح

reluctant …… متردد ( ممآنع – رآفض )

{S }

sad…….. حزين

scared …….خـآئف

stressed …….مرهــق

{ T }

terrific ……. رائع

terrible …… فظيع

terrified …… مرعوب

tense ……. متوتر ..

{ U }

upset……. منزعج…

unhappy …… زعلان..

{ V }

victimised …… يشعر أنه ضحيهـ.

{ W }

wonderful …….. رائع

…. إن شآء اللـــــهـ تستفيدوا منهــا….

سبحان الله و بحمده